Carson and I made Valentines cookies today. His party at school was cancelled yesterday because of the weather but he was all about making the cookies. He even wanted to do it over watching cartoons! Can you believe that? He sticks out his tongue like my dad does when he is concentrating. He may look like the Lee side of the family but he's definitely got some Cameron blood in him! Plus he's become obsessive compulsive like his mommy. Certain toys have to be in a certain place and don't even think about trying to put them elsewhere.
This is his messy face picture as he called it. He didn't eat much of the cookie just licked the frosting, right before dinner!
And a quick video of the whole thing.
And a quick video of the whole thing.
An S3! Hurrah! You are going to love it! (Oh yeah, and the photos with the cookies are absolutely adorable too.)