Thursday, March 1, 2012

Three on Thursday: Waterpark weekend

Hey there! It's Thursday, thank Goodness! Time for the weekend. It's my BDW (birthday week)! I've had cake and cupcakes so far, tomorrow my girlfriend is making me mint cheesecake and Saturday is girl's night out...can't wait! BDW should occur more then once a year! I think this post will make up for my no pictures last week!
Isn't he adorable? Yes, he is! I tried taking some 6 month pictures when the boys were gone a few weeks ago. It was kind of a failure since he wasn't real cooperative and he just wanted to eat my white sheet. 

But I got a few cute ones. Everyone seems to think he doesn't look like any of the other boys. I kind of agree. He's still skinny, can't wait to see what he weighs next week at the doctor. Let's all say a prayer that it's under 22 pounds. As obnoxious as the infant seat is to carry, I'm not ready to give it up for it's convenience of taking him anywhere in it, especially during nap time! I'm also not ready to have to carry him everywhere on my hip.
This shot was my favorite one! Such a cutie. 

And then this happened.

And I caught it on camera and our photo shoot was over.

Last weekend we surprised the boys with a trip to Omaha. We stayed at a hotel that has this HUGE waterpark. It was so, so, so much fun. The boys had a blast and were completely wore out.

 Carson was thrilled to go down the water slides on a tube...All. By. Himself. He even enjoyed the one that was pitch black but I'm not sure how because when I went down it I was slightly freaked out. That kid is a fish!

Bennett was delighted to splash around the toddler area. He couldn't get enough of the fountains!

It was also determined that he could sit or stand in water up to his chin forever. He's fearless and would rather you not try and hold on to him or steer him to shallower water when he is this deep. 

Maddox enjoyed a little bit of pool time as well.

Declan floated down the lazy river every chance he got. 

Snuggled in bed reading! What a fun weekend. Carson is already talking about when we'll go next!

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