Sunday, October 11, 2009

Brotherly Love

For the last few weeks of my pregnancy the boys were used to going to the doctor bi-weekly. They new once we entered the room they would be granted a sucker or some other treat to occupy them. They had given up answering the question of brother or sister from every person we ran into. I think it was safe to say they were ready for this little person to make an entrance and as we got closer their anticipation grew.

Trevor and I weren't really sure what to expect from either of them. We hadn't done much to prepare them for what life would be like with a little one but we did answer their questions as they came. Most of which involved how the baby was going to get out of me. Which was always an interesting one to answer but we did, truthfully. And so Birth Day arrived and the boys were introduced to their new baby brother.

We were more then surprised to see their reaction. Carson wasn't sure about Bennett at first (I think you can tell from the look on his face in this picture). He was a little more shy then we expected, maybe nervous, not sure. But since Bennett has been home he's a whole new Big Brother. He's the one who wants to pick him up, give him kisses and hugs and show him off to his friends. Just the other night he was begging me to take him out of the pack-n-play so he would hold and kiss him.

Declan was thrilled from the beginning. He wanted to hold him and give him kisses constantly. He's turned into my little helper getting me diapers and wipes, finding a plug and shoving putting it in his mouth. He likes to report when his eyes are open and when they are closed, when he is crying and when he is eating.

And so we've watched...

as they've held him...

and showered him with kisses.

And brought him his new toy that they picked out just for him.

And requested that he be a part of story time before bed.

Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero. ~Marc Brown

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