Wednesday, July 30, 2008

from the mouths of babes

A couple of funny things heard around our house lately.....

They are doing a school supply drive at my church this month. So on Sunday I gathered what I had bought for Carson's school supplies and decided to donate them to the church. I put them in a bag and handed them to Carson when we were at church and showed him where they needed to go. He was pretty proud to carry the bag and put it in the box all by himself. Fast forward to yesterday and we were getting ready to go to the pool. As he was coming down the stairs he informed me that we also needed to stop at the store because Jesus needs more crayons!

On our way home from the pool on Monday (hmmm, I sense a pool theme here) Declan was in his seat chatting away about anything and everything. Carson just sat quietly looking out his window. About 3 blocks from home Carson turned to Delcan and pretty much yelled, "Be Quiet Dekan!" Glad to see I'm not the only one who goes crazy sometimes.

Declan insists that he climb into the car and into the carseat, ALL BY HIMSELF! It wouldn't bother me except it can take about 23 minutes each time, I'm not exaggerating. The other day I was in a little bit of a hurry but mostly just didn't feel like dealing with him getting into his seat. Here is how the conversation went.

Me: "Come on Delcan, get in your seat, we aren't pissing around today."
Carson: "Yeah Delcan, we aren't pissing around."

Oops. Guess I need to watch my mouth.