Yesterday Carson and I spent a few hours outside while Declan was sleeping and I realized that this stage in his life has been my favorite so far. Even better then the baby stage if you can imagine such things. His personality is flourishing, he can carry on a pretty good conversation, he's asking questions about everything, he's so curious, he's entertained by the simplest things and he makes me laugh all day with the things that come out of his mouth.
I look forward to teaching him and his brother all about life, about God, about serving and helping others, about being good people, etc. We get to teach them all this stuff. Why is this hitting me now? How exciting and yet how nerve racking. I often wonder how am I going to teach them. The teacher in me tells me I need a lesson plan, I need to know when and how to teach them about these things. I know I don't have all the answers and some days I panic and feel I need to research so I have the right answers when the time comes. But when will that time come?
Well yesterday it came when he asked me a few simple questions about God and about Jesus. They were simple, who is Jesus, where is He, etc. Of course I knew the answers and I tried to explain it in 3 year old terms but what if he didn't get it? I'm a worrier by nature, but I think I've come to the realization that I just need to go with the flow and pray that God helps us answer all their questions about life.
Now for some random pictures from our week.
I finally got around to taking the wallpaper off the top of our cabinets last week. In my efforts I discovered that the previous owners had actually put up particle board and wallpapered that. SO, we tore down the particle board and I now have this nice look to my cabinets. It's beautiful, I know. Ha! Not really sure what I am going to do up there but I'm headed to Home Depot tonight to check out my options.