We've moved....I hope ya'll will come check on us at our new home.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
I had a whole
post that I wanted to share with you about Carson and Trevor's Scout camp experience.
Then I took the pictures off my camera and was getting ready to put them up here when the hard drive they were on crashed. Good news is those are the ONLY pictures we lost. Bad news is we lost those pictures. What a bummer. But have no fear, I've got other fun ones to show you.....from my cell phone.
The boys were jamming out to Cee Lo Green's "Forget You" in the car. It was hilarious and I tried my best to video it. I think Bennett may be the next Cee Lo, kid just needs a pair of shades. Here is the link to the actual Cee Lo video.
Last weekend we had our 3rd annual Father's Day campout with our good friends.
That's 10 adults.
And 14 kids. 13 boys, 1 girl. We're outnumbered and ridiculous.
But we learned that root beer floats are a hit.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
The kid likes his beans! And seeing as how he ate a ton last night and slept till 5, I'm trying it for lunch and maybe he'll sleep for more then 45 minutes. Wish me luck! And sanity.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Declan's first fish
Declan caught his first fish Memorial Day Weekend, a walleye. He was pretty excited. The boys were at the Outdoor Campus taking a fishing class the other day and Carson caught 3 Bluegills. I wasn't there, so no pictures or videos but the story was fun to hear! These experiences make parenting so much fun.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Three on Thursday: Summer week 1
Welcome summer! We've been enjoying our first week of summer vacation. Bedtimes are later, little boys are sleeping in, picnics are happening, sunscreen is on and we are soaking it up!
We dug out our "baby" bike the other day for Bennett. He doesn't want to steer or pedal. He'd just prefer to be pushed....that's a fun game.
We celebrated the beginning of summer with a visit to Cherry Berry. It was delicious!
Maddox is a crawling machine. Not even grass slows him down. He also enjoyed his first bite of dirt today....you can probably see the string of dirt drool on his shirt.
The flowers and garden are planted. I sure hope their eagerness to be gardeners is still strong when the weeds come. Carson is working on a Cub Scout badge for gardening so he has no choice! The garden is full with 8 tomato plants, 1 pepper plant, 2 pumpkin plants, peas, green beans, lettuce, carrots, cucumbers and basil. As much as I want our house to sell I'm going to be really sad if we aren't here to enjoy all these yummy veggies. Thank goodness for the farmer's market!
Friday, May 18, 2012
Three on Thursday: It's Summer
School's Out. Our house is still for sale. The garden is going in this weekend. Soccer is almost over. We had a showing today. I haven't planted any flowers yet. We had Cherry Berry to celebrate school's ending. It was 90 degrees today. We ran a 5k last week. Our summer calendar is full with lots of fun things. Maddox has a tooth. Bennett will be in speech until September and is making wonderful progress. The pools open next week. I made sun tea yesterday. Had a wine slush. Maddox crawls everywhere. Carson passed 1st grade. We filled an entire grocery sack with Emily's hair last weekend when we sheered her. Didn't cry at the end of the year mass today like I did last year but I did have a lump in my throat. I'm reading To Kill a Mockingbird. I got a new phone. I'm making kabobs this weekend. I found a fun board game at a garage sale yesterday. My pumpkin plants are planted in my straw bales from last year. Enjoyed a fun couples date night with some really good friends. Life is busy. Summer is here!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Three on Thursday: Scouts and Laughter
On Sunday we had a big Cub Scout event. Carson officially became a Wolf. Being new to the whole Cub Scouting experience this was all very new to me. Lucky for us we learned just 2 weeks out that we would get to decorate and plan the whole thing. Yay! So to say we were under a bit of stress would be the understatement of the year. I'm happy to report that it went off without a hitch...well except that the ceilings were too low for our flags but that was easily fixed. We had 92 people attend! And these 1st grade boys were more then delighted to officially become Wolves. We have been blessed with a great group of boys. Carson is signed up for 2 different Cub Scout camps this summer and he is beyond thrilled. Declan is desperate to be a Cub Scout. Poor kid needs to wait another year. I hope his enthusiasm doesn't waiver
Not a Tiger anymore!
New Wolf neckerchief from his Den Leader.
So excited for his new book.
Future Cub Scout #1
Future Cub Scout #2
Future Cub Scout #3 took this picture of us!
And a bit of Maddox laughter for you! Please excuse the green beans all over his face.
Friday, May 4, 2012
He'll be 8 months old in 4 days.
He crawls.
He likes every food he's tried so far.
He wakes up twice a night (sometimes more)
He loves a good power nap.
He's a corkscrew, always spinning and moving.
He almost pulled himself to a standing position this week.
He can get from his belly to a sitting position.
He's a momma's boy.
He's skinny.
He's got the BEST eyes.
He loves to smile.
He's growing way. to. fast.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Three on Thursday: Easter
It's your lucky day! This post has more then 3 pictures. It involves our very busy Easter weekend with all the grandparents! I'm really tired and busy so I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. Enjoy!
First waterslide ride.
He has a look of death on his face.
Pit stop mid hunt for some candy.
Filed Under:
enjoying spring,
Three on Thursday
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Three on Thursday: Cheese
Trying to get a picture of all four boys is impossible, nearly impossible. 99% of my pictures end up with something like this. Someone doesn't want to smile (usually Carson...he says he forgets how), someone's crabby (usually Declan), someone has doughnut on their shirt (Bennett) or someone needs a nap (Maddox). But every once in awhile the picture gods align and we get a decent shot (don't look to close there is some doughnut on someone's shirt). And then I have fun with Photoshop!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Three on Thursday: Spring
Not much to say today. We're busy with swimming, soccer, Cub Scouts and trying to get our house on the market. I've painted more things white in the last three weeks then I care to talk about. Trevor has stayed up WAY to late more nights then he cares to talk about. The weather has been fantastic and we've been spending most of our free time outside, the tv is on less and the bbq is on more, we're dirty, sandy, sweaty, snacking on Popsicles and having picnics.....And it's not even April! It's a good season in our life, busy, but good.
Maddox tried bananas this week. They went over pretty well. He stinks at taking a nap and would really like to eat three times a night. I'm anxiously awaiting school being over so I can try and get him on a better schedule.
Luckily for this red head he didn't catch the lice that was going around his classroom. At least not yet (knock on wood). I'd hate to cute those curls because of some silly lice!
I took the boys to the zoo the other day to let daddy get some work done at home. We didn't make it to the zoo last year since it was a billion degrees out every day and I was pregnant. Bennett was in love!
Carson takes after his daddy in trying to read EVERY word of every sign. At least Bennett would listen.
Trying to run as fast as a rhino. Sadly, those chubby little legs aren't quite that fast.
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