Funny how when your a kid from Thanksgiving to Christmas is the LOOONNGGGEESSSTTT time of the year. I remember years when I thought Christmas would never get here. Now as an adult, especially a parent, it goes 463x faster and I feel overwhelmed and would like it to slow down just a bit so I could savor that Christmas magic in my children just a bit longer. There is something so magical and fun about their innocence and imagination this time of year.
It's been especially heightened with the presence of Freddie, our Elf whose keeping tabs on the boys and reporting to Santa. I think he's had to tell Santa we have a few listening problems in our house lately. Oye! But Freddie turns up somewhere new every morning and the boys love discussing where that might be the night before and then hunting for him in the morning.
We're probably a year, maybe two away from Carson figuring all this out. That makes me sad and nervous. I hope when those questions come to the surface we can discuss without ruining it for his other brothers. But for now we'll revel in their Christmas spirit.
Carson wrote his first song the other night, complete with notes and a song number. All about the true meaning of Christmas.Wow, this little boy is growing up and learning so much along the way. He's participating in church, excited to go to Sunday school, eager to learn cursive and reading like a champ. His first big Christmas concert is tonight at the high school on a BIG stage. He's pretty excited about the whole thing and we can't wait to see him perform.
We tried to take some pictures of Max the other day. That soon intrigued his brother's who wanted to join in.
All wearing a hat of some sort and being silly of course.
Bennett's speech is moving along pretty well. He's showing Sue(speech therapist) his stubborn side when she's here. We may up our appts after Christmas to see if we can't get him going.
Declan also has a Christmas concert on Monday. He's pretty excited about it as well. Rumor has it he's playing Baby Jesus.
And this little squirt turned 3 months old last week.
He's talking and cooing and taking in all his surroundings as best he can. He loves having someone talk to him or just look at him.
And now we try to enjoy the next 10 days before Christmas. Ten, very busy days. And we are going to jam as much as we can into them, of course! But we're also going to enjoy the season and be thankful for all it brings, even the hustle and bustle.
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