Wednesday, November 3, 2010


November? When did this happen. It feels like school just started and here we are 2 months in, past our first parent teacher conference and looking down the barrel at the holidays. The weather has been fabulous so we've been spending most of our time outside, enjoying the weather, raking leaves, taking walks and taking in as much sunshine as we can.

This past weekend was Halloween and we had a party to go to. Can you guess what we went as?

The Smurfs! Aren't we cute, and blue? One big boy refused to paint his face but the other big boy was ecstatic to have it painted. I was rather impressed with how it all came together. Nearly every piece of our costume came from the thrift store, I made the hats, I borrowed a few items, some we made from supplies at home (Trevor's beard) and one thing had to be ordered online (my tights). Total I would say I spent less them $50 for all our outfits. Who knew I could be so thrifty and crafty, I sure didn't. It was fun and now I feel pressure to come up with something as equally cute and fun for next year.

When we weren't dressed in blue we were enjoying other Halloween festivities like pumpkin our jammies (even our Christmas jammies...that's how we roll around here).

We couldn't convince anyone to be a Smurf for the actual trick-or-treating though. So we took Optimus and Woody through the neighborhood gathering way more candy then any of us needs.

Bennett tagged along in the wagon.

He sampled the candy and enjoyed a mini pop.

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