Happy Birthday Baby Boy! Wait, are you still a baby? I guess not if you are one. One year olds are considered toddlers. I'm not ready for that so you'll have to be patient while I still call you Baby Boy. I'm going to drag my feet into this toddlerhood thing because this year has gone by way to fast.
Wow, a year. A year ago today your daddy and I stepped foot into the hospital anxious to meet you and find out who you would be. As you can see, I was ready to be done.
You are the light of our family. You have brought so much joy, happiness, laughter, chubbiness, smiles and excitement to our family that I can't even remember what it was like before you came. It seems like just yesterday that I was holding you for the first time, getting to know every square inch of you and enjoying your newborness.
You are the light of your brothers' worlds too. They want to eat you up as much as the rest of us. They have enjoyed watching your grow and learn new things. You so desperately want to play with them and do whatever they are doing. As a mother, there is nothing more sweeter to watch then three brothers learning to play and love each other.
At one you have 3 teeth. In fact, you just popped your 3rd one last week. It seems your a little slow in the teeth department but it hasn't slowed your eating down. You love food, any and all of it, and I haven't found a time when you're not hungry. In the last week you've also taken off walking. You still like to crawl but your getting steadier and steadier on your feet.
You can point. You give the best open mouth kisses. You love to twirl your hands through my hair when your tired. You fall asleep all by yourself. Your sleeping through the night. Your always happy. If you aren't getting attention for your smiles your getting it for your chubby legs and your donut arms....they are delightful!
Happy 1st Birthday Bennett! Your daddy and I love you so much and we are so blessed to have you in our life. We couldn't ask for a better baby boy!! May God bless you today and everyday. We look forward to the next year of your life and can't wait to see what it brings you. I only ask that it goes a little slower then this last one. Thankyouverymuch.
Love, Mommy and Daddy