Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Carson

My baby boy is 5 today. Something about turning five is just so hard, for me, and I'm not exactly sure why. Maybe its because 5 means kindergarten or maybe its because 5 means his first friend birthday party or maybe because at 5 he seems to really get this birthday thing. I'm not really sure but whatever it is has me feeling sad, yet excited, all at the same time. He's not my baby anymore (well he'll always be my baby). He's my little school aged boy who is so excited for this birthday. So excited to be a Kindergartner, so excited to ride his bike (I have little hope for that), so excited to have his big boy friends over for a Star Wars party and so excited to celebrate being 5.

Dear Carson

You've grown up so much this year. Somewhere in the last year it seems you've become a little man. Maybe it was becoming a big brother again. Maybe it was dropping your need for a nap (although I still make you rest for an hour). Maybe its your wonderful ability to write your name, draw pictures, color inside the lines and copy every thing down on paper. You are such an amazing little boy. You are caring, loving, full of energy, still a momma's boy (thank you for that), ever such the loving big brother, helpful and insightful.

Your still very tall, taller then most, if not all, of your friends. You have enormous feet (you can thank me for that). You love Transformers and Star Wars and love to teach me about them (I'm not that good at remembering). You love playing Wii, Star Wars Legos and wresting with your daddy. You love using markers to draw pictures. You still love to eat PB&J but you also like pizza, chicken, hamburgers, tacos and spaghetti. You are my meat boy (not into potatoes so much)! You love going to school. Your always concerned about your brothers and Emily. You love helping daddy with Emily.

I'm looking forward to this upcoming year and so is your daddy. We can't wait to watch you grow and learn. May God Bless you little man. Today and every day.

Love Always,
Mommy and Daddy

Yes, we had birthday candles on our birthday pancakes this morning.

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