Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Some Big News

If you can't read the words you can click here for a bigger version of the same video. You can also slide your cursor over the slide show and it will stop.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

He's not a girl, he's my baby boy......

Declan gets called a girl more times then I care to admit. You know what bugs me about it? That these people think I would even consider dressing a girl in his clothes. They are ALL BOY! And put a girl in a navy blue/light blue coat? Really people? I wonder what their conversions are? I always assume its something along the lines of...

Person 1: Oh that little girl has such gorgeous hair.

Person 2: I know. But did you see how her mother dressed her? Poor girl.

Ok, maybe they don't have those conversations. Guess I'll never know but the thought that they might led me to cut some of his hair off.

You can scroll down to the previous post to catch a before shot of his crazy mane.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


We took the boys to a pottery store today to paint some birthday plates. I let them chose their plates, paint and stamps. Now they will have a special plate for their birthday or any other special occasion.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I know many of you are not Glenn Beck fans. And this video isn't about him but about a chart he put together. A chart that shows just how much money our treasury department is making. It's a chart that will take your breath away. I hope you'll take a moment to watch.

A Birthday

Happy Birthday Papa Lee!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pajama Day

Last week was Catholic Schools Week and to celebrate Carson got to wear PJs to school.

Mrs. South Dakota also came for a visit.

And everyone got to try on her crown. Doesn't he look thrilled?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A weekend away.

It's been cold and we've been stuck in the house. Being stuck in the house with 2 little boys can be a little challenging when it comes to entertainment. We've played hide-and-seek, made snowman with play-doh, played Wii, painted, colored, built with Legos, given horsey rides and the other day......

We watched as some crazy squirrels climbed the trees in our backyard.

Then we watched the Cardinals enjoy some bird food.

So needless to say we were very much looking forward to a weekend away. A weekend filled with seeing friends, shopping, swimming, Chipotle and watching some hockey.

We visited the Lego store

and played with their endless amounts of Legos.

We had seats right behind the net. The boys were so excited and entertained. We had a few checks in front of us which sent juice cups flying and little boys jumping into our laps. Too bad our team lost but that's a whole other story. We had fun anyway!