My mom and I went on vacation to Tucson, Arizona. We got to fly down there to visit my Grandma and Grandpa. Here is a picture of me on my first airplane ride.

We had nice weather. One day it was even nice enough to eat outside.

My grandma and granda took me to the zoo. It was the first time I had ever been to the zoo.

While we were these I got to see alot of neat animals. They had zebras, polar bears, giraffes and alligators and lots of other fun animals.

Oh, a duck. Maybe I can get close enough to touch it.

The giraffes were my favorite. Look at how big there are!

Here we are checking out a big aquarium of fish and turtles.

At the end I got this really cool snake at the zoo store.

Here we are heading to Nogales, Mexico. Mom, you have my birth certificate right, so we can get back home?

Before we went back to America we stopped for some Mexican food at Olga's Mexican Restaurant. Mom got a kick out of the name. My mom said it was the best Gaucamole she has ever had. I tasted it too....not bad. Now, can I have some of that Margarita?

Phew, they let us back into America. I think my mom was worried there for a minute.

On our last day mom and grandma took me to the park. I tried out this swing they had there. I am not so sure about swinging. I must have inherited my parents queasy stomach for things like this.

My mom took me down the slide. Mom, isn't there a bigger one then this?

I even tasted dirt. As you can see from my expression it's not the best thing I have tasted.