Long time no post. We've been busy. It's been cold. I've been lazy. Is it spring yet? Is that enough excuses for why I haven't put any pictures up? I hope so. So what have we been up to?
Bennett has been spending some quality time with the ball popper. It's probably one of his favorite toys.
Husker enjoys it too. You can't see him in the picture but trust me when I say he gets as much enjoyment out of it as Bennett.
Who clearly thinks its hilarious.
For one day it was above zero and not windy. So we went outside.
We've been busy building a snow fort, adding to it each time we shovel. It even has a door, no girls allowed is what I hear. I also hear its loaded with snowballs. Watch out!
And it also got a lovely coat of blue paint on it. Declan adorned it with crosses and the letter D, his favorite.
The boys all went snowmobiling this weekend, even Barley Bear who is visiting our house this week from school. It was cold. I stayed where it was warm. I hear there was fun all around.
And now we are counting down the days to spring and Florida!